Saturday, February 26, 2011

Malamute Monster!

Tonight I got home from a quick trip to the hockey store in town.  When I let Kuma and Bella inside, Kuma obviously felt it was his duty to remind me that I should have taken them with me, if for no other reason than they like to ride in the car. Below is a video of a similar situation, where Kuma thought that everyone needed to hear what he thought about something.  

Tonight he was louder/more obnoxious than this, but I didn't have my camera with me.  If anyone he knows comes in the house, he holds a conversation with them.  Woo-wooing and shaking his head.  He loves to tell a story!  

The temps in our area have been in the low teens and single digits during the day, dropping to sub-zero at night.  Bella and Kuma are SO happy about this!  I looked out the kitchen window this morning and caught Bella chasing her tail in big circles in the snow.  When she finally stopped, she had a huge Malamute smile!!

Life with these goofy dogs is never dull!  I don't know what I would do without them. How can you be sad when Kuma is telling you a story?!?!  Thanks for stopping by and listening to us ;)

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