Saturday, October 16, 2010

Malamute Revenge

I had to go to work for a while today, so I decided to take the dogs with me.  Kuma and Bella love to go to the office and run around on the 2 acres of land that we have there.

I'd been in the office working for about an hour when Harold, Taylor, and the crew returned from working on a job site.  I took the dogs out so they could visit the guys and run around for a little bit.  Kuma and Bella always run around, peeing on everything.  Traffic cones, peed on.  Truck tires, peed on.  50 gallon drums, peed on.  Carport support beams, peed on.  Garbage cans, peed on.  You get the idea.  They both peed on everything that they could get near.  This becomes important later. 

After the crew left, Harold and Taylor came into the office to get cleaned up and changed.  Harold decided he wanted to go to the little Mexican restaurant around the corner and get some dinner.  So we locked the dogs in the office and headed out.  We figured we'd be gone about an hour, so the dogs would be fine inside.  Really, it's an old office, so they, theoretically, shouldn't be able to do any damage.

We returned to the office and this is what greeted us just inside the door.

That is a peanut can, the lid to said peanut can, a box from something, a plastic deli container, and the lid to the plastic deli container.  I'm surprised the idiots didn't cut their mouths on the lid to the peanut can.  *sigh*

Harold went in to his office and was greeted by this.

Yes, Kuma peed on Harold's measuring wheel.  Really Kuma???  After all the peeing he did outside earlier, his bladder should be empty!  He peed on something in my office too, I just can't remember what it was.

Harold proceeded to walk through the entire office to see what else the dogs did while we were gone.  Oh yeah, they obviously weren't finished with the tactics above.  This is what was behind the secretary's desk.

The dogs had also rifled through the garbage in my office, and dug out any paper or wrappers that they thought might be edible.  *head shaking*  There was stuff strewn from one end of the office to the other.

Harold and Taylor then left, telling me that since these were MY dogs, I had to clean up after them.  When Kuma and Bella are cute and funny, they belong to the family.  When they've done something stupid or bad, they belong solely to me.  Thanks.

So, next time Harold wants to go get s bite to eat, he will be going alone, if the dogs are with me.  Lesson learned.

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