Sunday, January 23, 2011

'Heavy' thinking

Ok, so tonight I've been watching a lot of A&E programs.  Earlier it was the "Hoarders" shows....which promptly got me working on the pile of paperwork that has been sitting on my kitchen counter for Lord only knows how long.  The stuff work keeping has been taken upstairs to be filed least for now it's not taking up space in the kitchen.  The junk has been thrown away, and the remaining stuff shredded.  One counter clean, one more to go.

After "Hoarders", the new series "Heavy" came on.  Oh Lord!  When I look in the mirror, I don't see the person I used to be, nor the person I feel like I am now.  While we all dream of fitting back in our skinny jeans, I really don't desire to be a size 6 or 8 again.  At a size 6 and 140 lbs, I was way too thin for my bone structure, muscling, and height of 5' 10".

"Heavy" really hit me.  I'm seeing in one program how, with hard work and good eating, these people are making enormous strides in 6 months.  WHAT is MY excuse?  Yes, doing nothing is always easier.....but the desired results NEVER appear.

My goal is to lose 50 lbs before our fishing trip in August.  That gives ME 6 months and 3 weeks to get it done!  Can I do it?  I think so.  It HAS to become a mind-set.  I want to be able to go on this trip, not be cramped in the airplane seats with Kelly and Jeremy.  And to be able to haul all the coolers and fish from the cabin to the boats, and then from the boats back to the cabins, without feeling like I am breathing through a straw.

I think from now on, I need to watch a bit more tv :)  I just might find the inspiration to DO the things I've been wanting to do.  I'm 39.....not 70.  I need to be active and have fun.  Not sitting on the sidelines waiting for life to happen around me.

For now....I am off.  Going to at least climb the stairs a few times before it gets too late.  Gotta start some where!


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