Thursday, January 5, 2012

L'oreal Colour Riche Balm

    Ok, so my opinion on the Revlon Lip Butters hasn't changed.  It still isn't my favorite lip item.  I will use it if it happens to be the closest thing when I need something for my lips. But I won't be running out to purchase it again.   Recently I was wandering through the local Fred Meyer store and saw that L'oreal had come out with their version of a sheer, moisturizing lip color.  Colour Riche Balm.

    Of course I HAD to try it.  That is what us make-up junkies do!  And I am glad I did!  To me it feels much more moisturizing than the Lip Butters.  It has a very pretty sheer color and plenty of shine.  I love the fact that it is slick, not sticky.  There is nothing I dislike more than sticky lip products.

     I purchased the Balm in Heavenly Berry.  The swatches on the L'oreal site show the product as being pretty intense color wise.  It isn't!  It's quite sheer.  I can put it on when I'm not wearing make-up and it doesn't look strange.  Just a light flush of color and shine.  Plus it has SPF 15.

Will definitely purchase this item again!

How I Spent NYE....Fun!

      2011 found me learning to skate and play hockey.  Hockey.  I NEVER thought this was a game that I would play.  Growing up, hockey was a game played by big, hulking goons from Canada.  At least that was what my child mind thought.

    Fast forward a few years, or more, and I met a gal through my work in Malamute rescue.  She had grown up in Canada and played hockey.  She frequently talked of the joy of playing.  Still, in my mind, hockey was not a game played by many girls/women.

    When Taylor decided he wanted to learn to skate and play hockey, back in February of 2011, I somewhat hesitantly decided to join in on the "fun".  We took weekly lessons for a few months and skated on the weekends when we could.  Soon we were ready for our first hockey game.

    The co-ed group that we play with each week is a blast.  There are people of both sexes, and a wide range of ages.  Many are like me, learning the game at a later age.  Everyone has been so welcoming and encouraging, giving me the courage to return week after week.  The first few games were the cause of significant stress, worrying that the others wouldn't want me there since I was new to skating and the game.  After a few games, I realized that they were GLAD I was there.  The more experienced players enjoy teaching newer players.  And there are more women playing hockey than I thought there would be!

    Our area actually has 4 women's teams that make up the Spokane Womens Hockey group.  Several of these ladies also play in the co-ed games.  A few also play in the Rec league that is comprised of mostly men.  Hockey is now one of the fastest growing sports for women in the world.

     New Years Eve found my son, Taylor, and me playing in a hockey round robin.  What a fabulous time we had!  Taylor played in goal, since he had received his pads as a Christmas gift and was dying to use them.  I usually play defense in the women's league games, but this night I was moved to right wing.  It was a fun change.  Many of the people that we played with and against were people that we had gone to hockey camp with, so they were super encouraging....even when they were on the opposing team.

    Alas, our team lost both games.  But these NYE games were about fun and friendship, not winning or losing.  I made more new friends and reinforced the friendships that I had already made.  The hockey community in Spokane may be small, but it is a group of extreme nice, fun, welcoming people.

    I look forward to playing more hockey in 2012.  I'm hoping that my skating and puck handling skills will continue to improve.  I'm so grateful that I have the opportunity to play such a fun sport with my son.  We have had the time of our lives out on the ice together.