Sunday, July 10, 2011

Make-up, Malamutes, and More!!

I'm thinking I may have to change the name of this blog to Make-up, Malamutes, and More.  As this new chapter of my life (getting divorced) leads me into strange territory (being single after 16+ years), I am finding new things that are making me happy!

Yes, I love, love, love my crazy dogs!  They are still making me laugh on a daily basis.  I am sure I can find some more pictures, and maybe a video or two, of the craziness that is my home with the critters :)  Make-up is still a fun avenue of expression for me as well.  I still love playing with the colors and textures.

As for the "more" son, Taylor, and I have started ice skating this year.  Before February 11th of this year, I had never, ever been on ice skates.  That night, Taylor and I started a Learn To Skate class at a local ice rink.  I was clinging to the rink boards for a lot of that first class.  Soon, I was able to skate around the rink without holding on to something, or someone.  I have never been so sore in my life though!  Ice skating takes full body effort to remain balanced and up-right.  While the pro's on TV make it look effortless, it is one of the hardest workouts I have ever done.

After taking skating lessons, both as part of a group and individually, we have progressed to playing hockey.  Taylor and I found some people that play as part of a "beginners group" organized by the rink.  It is supposed to be a forum for newbies to come, get ice time, and learn the game from people who have played for a while.  We have had so much fun with this group.  The more experienced people are incredibly willing to share their knowledge of the game.  We play for an hour, once a week, so can put the skills we learn in lessons to use in an actual game/scrimmage setting.

Taylor and I are also taking hockey lessons one night a week.  This lesson is a group lesson, for all ages.  For this session, I am the only adult there.  The kids that are 9 or 10 on up, can skate circles around me!  They can beat me up and down the ice big time.....but at least I know how to stop!!  Several of them can skate like crazy, but they have no brakes.  It's a fun time to learn stick and puck handling skills in a controlled environment.  Well, as controlled as it can get with a dozen kids under the age of 7 on the ice!!

This time I am getting to spend with my son is amazing.  I lost a lot of time with him when I was so sick with Depression.  While I can never get that time back, I am so enjoying this opportunity that I am getting, to show Taylor that I CAN be a fun, happy person.  We spend so much time together now, and that is something that really hasn't happened over the past few years.

My parents have also started a flock of chickens.  My dad will be retiring at the end of this year, and he wanted to have a small "farm" to keep himself busy.  He has built a beautiful hen house with an attached chicken yard for the feathered gang.  Taylor and I love to go over and help with the peeps.  They are a riot to turn loose in the garden for free-range time.  Of course they all tromple through dads raised flower and veggie beds.  We are all looking forward to the time when they start laying eggs.  I think we still have a couple of months to go until that happens though.

We have 15 chickens currently.  One rooster had to go as he was too aggressive towards the other birds.  We still have 2 more roosters, and they will probably have to find new homes as well.  Dad just doesn't want the noise of a crowing rooster, nor does he desire to have any chicks hatching.  The chick that I picked out is a Black Cochin Bantam.  We named her Charli, since with her feathered legs, she appears to waddle like Charlie Chaplin.  She is a cute little thing, but can make a BIG noise!  When she gets a treat, she almost sounds like a goose honking.  All of the birds enjoy treat time.  They are big fans of grapes, blueberries, cherries, watermelon, and hard-boiled eggs.  Yes, they like eggs.  Isn't that like feeding bacon to a pig???  Taylor likes to feed the chickens straight out of his hand, so they are becoming pretty easy to catch and handle.  He is becoming as big an animal freak as I am!!!

Well, those are a few of the things that are keeping me happy and busy now!  I'm loving life and am so thankful for my friends and family.  Thanks for stopping by!!

Have a great day.

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